Abstract class used to determine how the infoset representation should be input from a call to DataProcessor#unparse(input*.
Abstract class used to determine how the infoset representation should be input from a call to DataProcessor#unparse(input*. This uses a Cursor API, such that each call to advance/inspect must update a cursor value, minimizing allocations. Callers of advance/inspect are expected to copy out any information from advanceAccessor and inspectAccessor if they need to retain the information after a call to advance/inspect.
Abstract class used to determine how the infoset representation should be output from a call to DataProcessor#parse(input:java\.nio\.channels\.ReadableByteChannel,output:org\.apache\.daffodil\.sapi\.infoset\.InfosetOutputter)*.
Abstract class used to determine how the infoset representation should be output from a call to DataProcessor#parse(input:java\.nio\.channels\.ReadableByteChannel,output:org\.apache\.daffodil\.sapi\.infoset\.InfosetOutputter)*. The Daffodil core will call the various methods of this class in an order appropriate to create an infoset representation.
Classes that extend InfosetOutputter are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.
Read in an infoset in the form of a jdom2 Document
Output the infoset as a jdom Document
Read in an infoset in the form of json text from a java.io.Reader
Output the infoset as json text, written to a java.io.Writer
Ignore all infoset output
Read in an infoset in the form of a scala.xml.Node
Output the infoset as a scala.xml.Node
Read in an infoset in the form of a w3c Document
Output the infoset as a w3c Document
Read in an infoset in the form of XML text from a java.io.Reader
Output the infoset as XML Text, written to a java.io.Writer
Defines various classes used control the representation of the infoset for parse and unparse. Classes that extend InfosetOutputter are provided to the DataProcessor#parse(input:java\.nio\.channels\.ReadableByteChannel,output:org\.apache\.daffodil\.sapi\.infoset\.InfosetOutputter)* method to deteremine how to output an infoset. These classes are not guaranteed to be thread-safe. Classes that extend InfosetInputter are provided to the DataProcessor#unparse(input* method to determine how to read in an infoset. A new InfosetOutputter is required for each call to unparse().