
  • package root

    This is the documentation for the Apache Daffodil (incubating) Scala API.

    This is the documentation for the Apache Daffodil (incubating) Scala API.

    Package structure

    org.apache.daffodil.sapi - Provides the classes necessary to compile DFDL schemas, parse and unparse files using the compiled objects, and retrieve results and parsing diagnostics

    org.apache.daffodil.udf - Provides the classes necessary to create User Defined Functions to extend the DFDL expression language

  • package org

root package

package root

This is the documentation for the Apache Daffodil (incubating) Scala API.

Package structure

org.apache.daffodil.sapi - Provides the classes necessary to compile DFDL schemas, parse and unparse files using the compiled objects, and retrieve results and parsing diagnostics

org.apache.daffodil.udf - Provides the classes necessary to create User Defined Functions to extend the DFDL expression language
